Have any of you been catching the chain of marvel inspired movies that have been hitting the big screens? Recently, Iron man was a big hit with the masses as it brought out a different kind of hero, the capitalist hero. I decided to take some time to reflect on it.
Typical of any superhero movie we tend to see that the main character always has to go through a life changing experience or crisis before they set their minds on the superhero path... Iron man is no exception. However, unlike superheroes who have an innate special ability, Tony starks has an abundance of wealth behind him to fund the development of his super armour.
What struck me in the show was that there was this scene between Gwyneth Paltrow and Robert Downey Junior when they were changing the arc reactor module(his life support) in his body. There was a lot of non verbal communication taking place between them like paralinguistics, oculesics and haptics.
Also another strong factor in the show is the idea of physical appearance. Tony starks always gave people the impression based on his physical appearance that he was living the glamorous life (multi billionaire, playboy,fast cars) and suddenly he has a 180 degree change in his perspective of life after his afghanistan ordeal. Having being judged on his physical appearance and material possesions all his life the hero decides to forge his new identiy and own form of justice.
Both the male and female leads carry their roles well and Hall's theory of personal space differentiated by relational status is seen as Paltrow and Downey Junior develop their relationship from mere secretorial-boss to close friends/dating couple (don't really know what it is they have looks complicated maybe you guys know:)) Ideas like public, social and initimate distance comes about when we see their relationship is forged closer through crisis.
Looking at the wave of upcoming marvle films like The Incredible Hulk, Thor and Captain America, I am sure that we shall be able to see more of such human communication defining future story lines as this has been the winning ingredient in many Hollywood films thus far. What do you guys think? Share your views!
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ive watched the show and it wasnt really as good as other superhero movies. Peter Parker got stung by a spider, Clark Kent came from Krypton, The Daredevil got splashed by radioactive chemicals.
Ironman? He was 'born' in a cave somewhere in Afghanistan. I dun find that impressive at all. Perhaps he's not my kind of hero.
But that said, any movies with brilliant special effects like the cool armour design, Ironman blowing up tanks and killing several fellas at one time, will definitely make me a fan. What more, Stark drives an Audi R8!
Hence u couldve probably guess that i think that the 'non-verbal communication', 'physical appearance' or 'theory of personal space' wasnt of much significance.
So i'll be waiting to see Bruce Banner turn green and smash cars, Thor play with his hammer and Captain America..... playing frisbee with his shield? If the movie dun make me cry, there better be lots of explosions and special effects!!
JX :
i watched the movie and actually thought he was affected by how the guy sacrificed his life for him during the escape from the afghanistan 'prison', thats when he started analysing his own superficial life and decided on carrying out justice through his new identity.
but anyways, i thought the movie was pretty straight forward too, like any other action movie. Before you mention it,i didn't notice the non-verbal communication(s) present.
and i thought there weren't enough sexy scenes between Paltrow and Downey Junior though. =p
yeah, i agree about the development of relationship between tony and hall. the transition between their boss-secretary relationship to a lover kind was kinda romantic and unique. and yes, i am so looking forward to the other superhero movies!
Hey. that was a long and detailed post. Well, haven't watch the show yet, but will watch it soon and will be looking out for alll those non verbal cues that you have mentioned.
I haven't watched the show. But I'm sure the storyline is typical concerning a guy superhero, humbled by a woman nearby in his life he failed to notice before and they get together finally yadayadayada...
I think hollywood movies using storylines of such basis are set for success, simply because it was targeted for the society that lives in the developed world. (where the people are mostly self-involved..) The developing world makes most people living in it think they are most important and everyday they will think about mostly on how to better themselves.
So for a superhero like this, they see the relation between themselves and the movie in finding love, in a city, with unexpected ppl (maybe your rich handsome playboy boss). We all know this happens in one out of a million ppl. So such movies give an alternative to the reality of huge power distance, selfish individualism and yadayada.
Refer to Hofstede who will teach you more on why people will go to the cinemas and make these movies succeed. (besides the explosions and cool effects and whatnots in the movie that not all ordinary people can do)
I am sure much of hollywood genre has portrayal of non-verbal communication. From this we would be able to be aware of its presence
i think hollywood's summer blockbuster flicks are mainly about making money and any discussing of cinematic artistry is just another way of discussing how effective they are at attracting people with their wallets.
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