Recently, i just watched Sex and the City with my girlfriend, and it dawned on me that the show has a strong message being sent abt relationships.In particular,i would like to highlight the relational dissolution that took place in the show.
4 charismatic individuals in their 40s-50s are portrayed to be in the prime of their life in energetic New York City. They come in the form of writer and bride to be(Carrie), lawyer mom (Miranda), housewife and fitness buff (Charlotte), and last but not least verocious sex guru (Samantha).
The show's centralized plot is actually about Carrie finally marrying her boyfriend after 10 years, and is given a once in a lifetime opportunity to have her fairytale wedding. Unfortunately, at the eleventh hour, Mr. right walks out on her at the aisle. Poor communication skills and aversive communication states were instrumental in the failure of their marriage initially.
4 charismatic individuals in their 40s-50s are portrayed to be in the prime of their life in energetic New York City. They come in the form of writer and bride to be(Carrie), lawyer mom (Miranda), housewife and fitness buff (Charlotte), and last but not least verocious sex guru (Samantha).
The show's centralized plot is actually about Carrie finally marrying her boyfriend after 10 years, and is given a once in a lifetime opportunity to have her fairytale wedding. Unfortunately, at the eleventh hour, Mr. right walks out on her at the aisle. Poor communication skills and aversive communication states were instrumental in the failure of their marriage initially.
Another sub plot in the show is actually Miranda's husband Steve cheating on her. This created a huge rift between husband and wife and becuase they were unable to reconcile initially they chose to seperate.
In our fast paced world, strong values and good communication are instrumental in relational development and management. What do you seek for in your relationships? Share your views!
My dear boy! Sex and the City is so droll when you speak of it.It totally knocked my shoes off when i watched it. The passion, the fashion and the tension. Excellent!
I think most of us want a combination of everything, some seriousness, alot of fidelity, alot of passion and loads of affection from our relationships.
I enjoy a wonderful relationship with my boyfriend and till date..there has never been a problem with Sex in this City.
Don't take the jazz out of romance!
i didnt watch the show, but following your question... i think communication is very impt for relationships. whether a bf gf relationship or a friendship. without proper communication everything gets broken down. bonds get spoilt, people get tired. its difficult. so yup! ((:
Like wad was taught in our comms lecture, i guess i belong to the group that will be looking for similarity in my partner, that having a complementing one. I will feel so weird if he does like wad i like and always doing the opposite things from me.
As for what i am seeking in relationship... like all woman-
love and sercurity
trust is important as well.
ANd must filful the below:
christian- love god
must know how to play guitar
and sing
In response to eileen's reply, i prefer to seek out differences in my partner. My girlfriend and i are able to complement each other by having differing personalities. In a way we complete each other:)
i believe that it is a balance of both, and in order to have that balance COMMUNICATION is needed. you cannot be too different because you need to have similar VIEWS and OPINIONS on THINGS THAT MATTER. say something like whether to have kids in future, or abortion etc. however, differences are also healthy as dating a twin would be so boring. if you see eye to eye on EVERYTHING, then frankly what is the point of entering into a relationship? because you two won't be individuals, but rather cut from the same block of wood.
i actually look for differences when i am in a relationship. and of course, work on those differences by communicating from then on. it's really very instumental in maintaining a healthy relationship.
i seek a slave to serve me every waking hour of the day, without question.
but really, if you boil it down, if you think hard.
the only reason why you have a relationship is because of companionship.
as companionship is such a loose term, i think there are no real answers to your question.
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